
Partners in Prayer

“Individual prayer is like straw scattered over a field. If you set a straw alight, the flame is small. But if you gather up all the bits of straw the flame fills out, rising high up in the sky, and it is the same with communal prayer.” 
(Saint John Vianney)

We have a wonderful group of parishioners, who because of their health situation are homebound, but would love to add your petitions to their daily prayers. They are more than willing to remember your special request while saying their rosary, watching a televised Mass or during any part of their day when they open their hearts to God’s presence. Christ prayed constantly in order to show us what we must do; let us model our life on His and “seek the Lord where He may be found.” (Is 55:6)   

If you have a special intention for our Prayer Partners, please call the rectory office at 703-532-8115, leave it in the prayer boxes at the exits of the Church or email your prayer request.

 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Phillipians 4:6)

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