
St. James Seniors

St. James Widows and Widowers began meeting in 1991, chaired by Steve Dewhurst. He was joined not long afterwards by Fran Gros. Early programs included  sing-alongs, talks by grief counselors, programs dealing with money management for widows, musical performances by parish members, even a concert by kindergarteners. And always refreshments!

Five years ago the organization changed from a widowed group to a senior group, welcoming anyone over 50.  Recent programs have included trips to Surratt House, sailing on the Dandy, lunch at the Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, and the Amish Country with Rev. John Kelly. Every October, we make an annual visit to Christ House in Alexandria to serve a meal to those in need. Current plans include our annual indoor picnic in July, without the bugs and heat, and the August ice cream social.  

For further information contact Mary Anne Stallings at 703-237-1768 or Cae Gilley at 703-533-3845.

Join us soon!

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